Dorlotin Maïlou tradition...
Grey cuddly rabbit made in France
Sophie the Giraffe teething...
Birth gift set teething ring
Sophie the Giraffe nesting...
Sophie the Giraffe baby nesting cups
Sophie the Giraffe So pure...
Sophie the Giraffe rattle
Wooden baby tooth box, Mes...
Small blue milk tooth box
Wooden baby tooth box, Mes...
Little pink milk teeth box
Wooden baby tooth box,...
Little pink milk tooth box Little mouse
Wooden baby tooth box,...
Small milk tooth box Small mouse
Wooden milk tooth box The...
Little milk tooth box The little mouse
Mes petites dents de lait...
Little milk teeth box My little milk teeth
Mes petites quenottes...
Baby tooth box Petites Quenottes
Vilac red mouse milk teeth box
Small wooden milk teeth box red mouse