Mini tale Les Petits...
Little book, mini tale about the signs of the Zodiac, Little...
Little book, mini tale about the signs of the Zodiac, the Little Pisces
Birth gift idea.
A quirky, poetic little book for young and old about the characters of the zodiac: in this case, Pisces.
Illustrator, author and not at all an astrologer, Gaëlle Delahaye has written twelve mini-tales about the heroes of the zodiac.
Sassy, funny and endearing characters.
Little Pisces, sensitive and dreamy, looks back nostalgically on the past year when suddenly, Big Bang, the stars fall out of the sky and into the water...
14.5 x 21 cm
32 pages
Soft cover, prestigious creased paper
Little book, mini tale about the signs of the Zodiac, Little...